Energy Star approved: Retigo combi oven…

We had the energy efficiency of another combi oven, the electric model 6 pan full size B621i,…
We had the energy efficiency of another combi oven, the electric model 6 pan full size B621i,…
Did you know that this year marked the 30th anniversary of the first combi oven produced? Maybe…
Retigo is now part of the KCL database, which means...
This year marks 30 years since the production of the very first Retigo combi oven in 1993.
Are you curious to see who is already using Retigo combi ovens? See references from all over the…
Hesitating over which combi oven to buy for your business? We’ll make it easier for you. Here are…
Bet on Retigo. The Retigo Vision combi oven can help you easily increase your output with less…
In August, stricter limits took effect for receiving Energy Star certification. As a partner in…
The Retigo App is a great pocket guide. By downloading our innovative app onto a smart phone…
At RETIGO s.r.o. we are looking for ways to help the people who need it the most now. Not only…
Retigo’s new production hall is constructed. It is ready to be filled with modern facilities and…
If you like Retigo, feel free to like us and follow us.
An indispensable part of using Retigo appliances is regular maintenance and cleaning. It’s the only…
Explore the new Retigo Combionline® system!
Combi ovens that have earned the ENERGY STAR are about 20 % more energy-efficient than standard…
After a few years on the market, the Vision GAS combi ovens have been highly rated by the market,…
A Retigo anniversary steam combi oven was ceremonially bestowed on the Food Bank in Prague. It will…
At the beginning of December, RETIGO USA was pleased to hold a Chef Training Workshop led by our…
RETIGO USA sets sights on resetting the standard for combi cooking & keeping it simple.
Retigo Vision offers an excellent combination of features, exceptional ergonomics and an attractive…
RETIGO is pleased to officially announce that we have successfully opened our new RETIGO USA…